A new powerful type of psychotherapy has come into focus recently. It benefits individuals suffering from many varying types of trauma. These may include: post-traumatic stress, anxiety, panic, troubling memories, and other emotional issues.

Unlike therapies of the past, EMDR does not take a lot of time, nor is it difficult. It is fast and has benefits that last, giving the sufferer much needed respite from the emotionally draining traumas of the past.

Did you know that scientific data has proven that EMDR is the fastest way to heal Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)?

But how does it work?

EMDR is new tool used by psychotherapists, and it has proven to be very successful. It uses right/left eye movement, otherwise known as bilateral stimulation or tactile stimulation. This stimulates opposing sides of the brain, and experiences that were buried in the nervous system are freed. Blocks in the relationship between the mind and body are dissolved, and are allowed to reconnect in a more loving peaceful way. The point is to find and move energy that is creating a road block in the client’s life. The therapist and the client become partners in order seek out and move the energy, thereby setting the client free so that they can travel back into their life carrying a sense of peace. Thus, the eye movement patterns of EMDR help to alleviate and heal painful emotions and difficult memories creating greater harmony in a person’s life.

Many conditions such as these can be helped with EMDR:

Individuals who have witnessed or been a victim to a disaster (rape, accidents, earth quakes, fires, murder, gang related violence)

Anxiety or panic attacks

Clients suffering from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

Individuals who suffer from phobias

Substance abuse

Persons exposed to excess loss ( loss by death, divorce, loss of a house by fire)

Crime victims and police officers who were once overcome with violent memories.

  • Accident or burn victims
  • Low self esteem
  • Loss
  • Depression
  • Problems in relationships

If you or someone you love can benefit from EMDR, please contact us at: (310) 310-9249. We can help!