According to the National Alliance of Mental Illness, more than 19% of all American adults have been diagnosed with a form of PTSD. That’s over 40 million people. There are a wide range of treatment options for PTSD. However, finding the right treatment can be very challenging, as everyone has their own experiences, and responds differently. Brainspotting therapy is a type of PTSD treatment that has proven to be highly successful in treating a wide range of people with a variety of anxiety disorders. This article is intended to introduce people to brainspotting therapy to treat anxiety disorders and a wide range of PTSD types, and to demonstrate the top four ways this type of therapy can help people with PTSD live the best version of their life.

What is Brainspotting Therapy?

Brainspotting therapy is a very powerful PTSD therapy treatment method that identifies, processes and releases neurophysiological sources of trauma, emotional pain, bodily pain, dissociation, and many more symptoms. Brainspotting therapy works as a simultaneous method for diagnosing and treating and is promoted with Bilateral sound.

1. Brainspotting Therapy Gives Tools for Supporting the Clinical Healing Relationship

Simply put, there is no replacement for a nurturing therapeutic presence that’s mature and that can engage a person suffering from anxiety in a manner that’s safe and promotes trust between the client and the therapist. Brainspotting therapy does just that; it works with the deep body and brain via access to the limbic and autonomic systems deep within the central nervous system.

2. Brainspotting Gives Patients Complete Clarity of Their Emotional Distress Levels

There are several types of therapy that are rather opaque when it comes to giving the patient a clean vista of their distress level. However, brainspotting therapy is just the opposite. When you invest in brainspotting therapy your therapist will begin the session by asking you to talk about your current distress level. This is usually done using a numeric scale that you and your brainspotting therapist will create together. Alternatively, you will have the freedom to use select words to convey your anxiety levels, such as “extremely frightened”, “absolutely terrified”, or “deeply enraged”. As the brainspotting therapy sessions continue, the therapist will continuously check in with you for current emotional state readings, and these will be charted giving you full clarity into the evolution of your anxiety levels and how the treatment has been working.

3. Brainspotting Therapy Incorporates the Physical with the Emotional

Many people express that when therapy involves touch, it feels more “real” and concrete. In fact, many people who have experienced physical touch and other elements in therapy for the first time report that the touching and physical eye readings were paramount to their healing. Brainspotting therapy relies on a combination of tapping and the reading of eye movement. A brainspotting therapist will have you start lightly tapping a certain part of your body (usually the collarbone or forehead) as you slowly blink. Trauma is stored in the body, and it can alter the way one’s brain functions. Tapping is a way that enables one to purge themselves of this anxiety under the guidance of a brainspotting therapist–someone who studies the client’s eye movements and positioning to determine anxiety levels and navigate treatment initiatives. The combination of the physical and emotional treatment notes helps in making brainspotting therapy a successful treatment for people suffering from PTSD, and strengthens the bond between the therapist and client.

4. Trust and Unity Between the Therapist and the Client is Enhanced with Brainspotting Therapy

Trusting a therapist is not such an easy thing to do for several people. In most cases, people utilizing traditional therapy types will often feel that therapy is too “one-sided”. They feel left out or not directly involved with the process. However, brainspotting therapy requires equal participation between the therapist and the client to garner successful treatment, and as a result, the close relationship enables the client to be more trusting and have faith in their therapist.

Is Brainspotting Therapy Right for Me?

sad teenage girl suffering from loneliness, sitting alone on the floor

To truly determine if brainspotting therapy is your right treatment, you will need to have a consultation with one of our experts at Serenity Trauma. In most cases, brainspotting therapy is an ideal treatment method for a wide range of people suffering from anxiety. In fact, some of the types of traumas treated using brainspotting at Serenity Trauma include:

  • Addiction trauma
  • Family scapegoat PTSD
  • Violent crime PTSD
  • PTSD related to an illness
  • Complex PTSD
  • Family trauma
  • Survivor guilt PTSD
  • Grief anxiety
  • Phobias
  • Combat PTSD / First responder PTSD

If you have one of these types of PTSD, or even a combination of several, brainspotting may be the right approach for helping you heal and recover. But ultimately, a therapist will need to meet with you, and together you can determine the best treatment method.

Call Serenity Trauma for Brainspotting Therapy Today

Nestled in the tranquil laid-back region of Malibu, California, Serenity Trauma offers brainspotting therapy for those suffering from anxiety disorders. Our brainspotting therapists are the best in the country, and with decades of experience, our cutting-edge treatment methods have had a lengthy proven history of helping afflicted people embrace new-found wellness by purging the body and mind of anxiety. Call now and discover how we can help you live the best version of your life.