Serenity Trauma Healing Center
The creators of the original SERENITY METHOD.
Online Therapy in Malibu, CA
Online therapy is a method for patients to receive mental health services and support through a device using an Internet connection. Also known as teletherapy, e-therapy, e-counseling, and cyber-counseling, therapy online takes place with a video conferencing service like Zoom, or by using the computer’s webcam so that the anxiety therapist and patient can see and hear each other in real time. Online therapists must have the same credentials and licenses to offer therapy sessions over the Internet, and most online therapists also offer in-office sessions. Receiving therapy online is simply a convenient service offered to patients who may be unable to go to the physical therapy center. Furthermore, research has found that online therapy is just as effective at treating anxiety, trauma, and depression as in-person sessions. The best therapy online sessions offered by therapists from anxiety centers give patients the best results, as these therapists are more highly specialized and certified to give people a variety of therapy methods.
How do Therapy Online Sessions Work?
Cheerful young lady sitting on the sofa and smiling to the laptop camera during the video call Online therapy is in real-time and takes place through an Internet connection using Zoom, or a number of other online conference platforms. In some cases, the trauma center may have its own conferencing platform that therapists will use to connect with the client. A webcam, whether its integrated into your computer or mobile device, or an external webcam, will allow trauma therapists and clients to see each other during the session, and the built-in mic will enable the therapist and client to hear each other.
What Types of Therapeutic Treatment Work for Online Therapy Sessions?
Virtually any type of therapy will work in online sessions, just as effectively as if the sessions were in person. However, there are some minor exceptions. For example, acupuncture, neurofeedback, or massage-based therapies will work remotely in online therapy sessions, as the therapists will need to be physically with you. At Serenity Trauma, our certified anxiety therapists have treated clients through online therapy sessions using the following approaches:
- Variations of Brainspotting
- Havening therapy
- EMDR counseling
- Somatic experiencing therapy
- Complex PTSD therapy
- Survivor’s guilt PTSD therapy
- Family trauma counseling
How Much are Online Therapy Sessions?
Treatment costs vary based on several factors. We do not accept Medi-Cal or Medicaid; all our patients invest in their own self-care, or family members will typically cover the cost to have their loved one’s anxiety and trauma treated. To get a cost, you will need to call for a consultation in which the right type of therapy will be determined based on your individual needs.
Do Therapists Record Therapy Online Sessions?
Anxiety and trauma therapists at Serenity Trauma will not record any therapy online sessions unless there is a reason, and never without written consent from the client. There is a strict two-party consent rule within the arena of therapy services that requires both the client and the therapist to consent to any recordings, and a document must be signed for such recordings to take place.
In some instances, a client may want their therapy sessions recorded for future referencing, while in other cases a therapist may want to record sessions to later show the client as a teaching mechanism, or simply for their own records. Either way, both parties must consent to recording sessions, whether they are online or in person.

Does Online Therapy Work?
One of the biggest concerns held by clients seeking treatment for their anxiety is whether online therapy works. People are under the false assumption that therapists must be physically present in the same room for therapy to work, but this is not the case at all.
Thanks to the use of webcams and mics in online therapy sessions, body language, eye movement, tone of voice, and one’s overall demeanor are easily noticed through online therapy sessions and provide critical insight into the client’s present state.
The relationship between the therapist and client is a major component of the effective treatment of anxiety and trauma, and digital communication does not interfere with the healing power that takes place between two individuals working through computer screens or mobile devices.
While some may still have reservations, it often helps to let the science and research speak for itself: in 2018 the ‘Journal of Psychological Disorders conducted research and concluded that online cognitive therapy is “effective, acceptable, and practical healthcare” and that it is “equally as effective as face-to-face [in-person] treatment for major depression, panic disorder, social anxiety disorder, and generalized anxiety disorder”. In addition, the ‘Journal of Affective Disorders published a 2014 study revealing that online therapy was just as effective as in=person therapy sessions for treating depression.
Serenity Trauma’s success rate in treating people with anxiety disorders through online therapy sessions speaks for itself but knowing that several studies from reputable organizations that support and testify to the effectiveness of therapy online sessions will help set your mind at ease when you give us a call to book a consultation with one of our specialized therapists.