Serenity Trauma Healing Center

The creators of the original SERENITY METHOD.

When people survive an extreme experience, be it an act of violence, abuse, or a graphic accident, pent-up energy can reside in the body causing the individual severe emotional and bodily stress. Somatic experiencing therapy (SE method) focuses on helping patients reclaim self-regulation by ridding their body and mind of the devastating survival energy trapped in the autonomic nervous system. People from all over the country head to Malibu for this innovative treatment, as Serenity Trauma Healing Center offers somatic experiencing therapy and has always been regarded as a leading authority of the SE method. With the right care your life can be transformed through somatic experiencing as an innovative way to heal trauma.

What is Somatic Experiencing Therapy?

Somatic Experiencing is a body-focused type of therapy that can be applied in any setting with the intention to heal trauma and various stress disorders. When one asks, what is the definition of Somatic Experiencing therapy, it is important to know the origins of this innovative treatment type. SE’s roots derive from an amalgamation of psychotherapy, physical therapy, coaching, medicine, indigenous healing practices, biology, neuroscience, ethology, psychology, medical biophysics and teaching all within the context of ridding the body and one’s emotional makeup of stress. The SE approach was developed by Dr. Peter A. Levine, and has been mastered and taught by leading somatic experiencing therapists at Serenity Trauma Center.

Somatic refers to the internal perception and experience of the body. Somatic experiencing therapy is a body-oriented approach to trauma treatment, developed by Dr. Peter Levine after more than 45 years of multidisciplinary study and clinical practice. Somatic therapy techniques release traumatic shock, leverage the body’s innate healing abilities, and restore a sense of vitality, relaxation, and wholeness to traumatized individuals.


How does Somatic Experiencing Therapy Work?

Somatic Experiencing therapy works by engaging the relationship between the brain, body, behavior and the mind. Qualified therapists employ interventions designed to calm the patient’s nervous system and create a space of ease in which the healing process can begin with grace and calming.

The Somatic Experiencing method transforms PTSD by releasing traumatic shock while healing the emotional wounds that manifested in early developmental attachment trauma. The SE method allows somatic therapists to identify the framework and tap into the exact place where the patient is “stuck” in the fight or flight responses. This is where Somatic Experiencing reaches for clinical tools to ameliorate these suspended physiological states of being.

The science behind Somatic Experiencing aims to target two primary types of stress: trauma can originate as acute stress from the perceivement of a life-threatening incident or as the end product of cumulative stress. These types of stress are potent enough to potentially disable a person from being able to function with any real resilience. Both types of trauma can stem from a number of origins that include major accidents, natural disasters, wars, severe injury, invasive surgeries or medical procedures, sexual abuse, physical assault, birth trauma, war, loss, emotional abuse, employment termination, or the continuation of ongoing conflicts and fears. Somatic therapists are able to deep dive into each patient’s state of being and identify these origins before working with the individual to rid their body and mind of the associated trauma.


Who is an Ideal Candidate for Somatic Experiencing Therapy?

An ideal candidate for Somatic Experiencing therapy is someone who has a form of PTSD or anxiety, and that has been examined by a therapist who makes the recommendation to receive the SE method. There are many types of therapies offered by a team of experts with various specialties at Serenity Trauma, and not all patients will benefit from the same therapy methods. Traumatic experiences can weigh heavily on people at various stages in their life. PTSD symptoms can remain persistent for weeks, months and years after an event. Symptoms can even last a lifetime if the person isn’t properly treated. Some people will experience certain levels of depression and anxiety in the form of hallucinations, nightmares and flashbacks, while others will simply lose the ability to have normal functionality. Upon being assessed and diagnosed your therapist at Serenity Trauma will make the recommended type of therapy based on your history, symptoms and situation. While some patients may benefit more from other therapy types such as brainspotting, Somatic Experiencing therapy will certainly be an ideal treatment for others. Again, this will be determined by your therapist. However, if you are battling trauma, depression, anxiety and grief and its hold has plagued your body, mind and brain, then it is very likely Somatic therapy will be the right treatment course for you to follow.

Why Is Somatic Experiencing Therapy So Effective?

One of the reasons somatic trauma therapy works so well is because it is based on the biological responses to stress that we share with other mammals. Animals in the wild experience life-threatening events and yet are not traumatized by these experiences. Dr. Levine determined that humans often interrupt the natural sequence of processing a threat response.

We experience the same adrenaline response to a threat as animals do, but we do not expend the resulting energy or perhaps because we are afraid or ashamed of the physical sensations of trembling, shaking, or running away, which are natural ways to expend that energy by allowing the nervous system to discharge fully and re-set to baseline.

What Happens in a Somatic Therapy Session?

Experiencing what the body is feeling is key, and your therapist will guide the process by:

  1. Sitting face to face with you while you describe the traumatic event in detail.
  2. Working with you to gently release the lingering physical stress.
  3. Helping you recognize and utilize the micro-movements that protect the body.
  4. Facilitating your ability to process the physical sensations and emotions as they are released.
  5. Guiding you to the realization that the danger is gone and that the mind and body can reset.
  6. Teaching you to recognize and regulate your stress levels in the face of future challenges.
What Conditions Benefit from Somatic Experiencing?

Trauma may result from a single event that is felt as life-threatening or can be the result of cumulative stress which builds up when individuals feel helpless or trapped. Somatic experiencing is an effective therapy for childhood trauma, as well as PTSD and stress treatment.

These trauma symptoms indicate that SE might be helpful:

  • Anxiety, depression, bipolar disorder
  • Obsessive-compulsive disorder
  • Hyper-alertness or over-reactions to perceived threats
  • Suicidal thoughts
  • Eating disorders
  • Sleep issues
  • Substance abuse

Some of the experiences that are effectively processed with somatic experiencing techniques include:

  • Accidents or natural disasters
  • War and combat experiences
  • Invasive medical procedures
  • Physical or sexual assault
  • Emotional abuse or neglect
  • Birth trauma
How Does Somatic Healing Happen?

At Serenity Trauma Center in Southern California, we have outpatient programs which offer the latest trauma therapy techniques for your unique needs and experience. Your mental health therapist will help you recognize the residual impacts of trauma and how they are affecting your ability to feel satisfaction, joy, or physical pleasure.

SE therapy will allow you to finish processing your traumatic experiences and learn the skills needed to promote healthy self-regulation. You possess the inherent ability to regulate stress and recover from traumatizing events. An SE-trained mental health counselor can help you release the destructive energies and truly experience that the danger has passed.