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Serenity Trauma Healing Center

The creators of the original SERENITY METHOD.

Survivors Guilt PTSD Treatment Programs in Malibu, CA

Survivor’s Guilt occurs when an individual experiences feeling of guilt because they survived a life-threatening event when others perished. Survivor’s guilt is a common reaction to life-threatening traumatic events and a symptom of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

It is critical to work with a healing center that offers survivors guilt PTSD treatment programs, as survivors often question why they managed to escape death while others passed away. People suffering from PTSD survivors’ guilt will tend to wonder if there was something they could have done to help others survive, or to change the outcome of the event that turned deadly. In some cases, the trauma they are experiencing can have negative effects on their relationships with friends and family, with their employer, and cause additional psychological problems including depression. If you or a loved one is dealing with survivors’ guilt PTSD, call Serenity Trauma for a consultation and begin the journey to reclaiming your life so you can live a happy, fulfilled existence.

What are the Signs, and How can Serenity Trauma Help?

The symptoms of PTSD survivor guilt can vary. When people survive a traumatic event in which others lost their lives, the following symptoms can be present:

  • Constantly questioning what they did during the traumatic event
  • Questioning what they did not do when the event happened
  • Reliving flashbacks of the traumatic event
  • Ongoing nightmares
  • Obsessive thoughts about the traumatic event
  • Feeling disconnected from others
  • Feeling disconnected from life in general
  • Lack of motivation
  • Anger and irritability
  • Nausea and headaches
  • Difficulty sleeping
  • Feeling fearful
  • Feelings of confusion
  • Thoughts of suicide
  • The desire to isolate from others

In many cases, people suffering from survivors’ guilt PTSD will experience multiple symptoms, while viewing the world as a place that is both unfair, and unsafe. In past years, survivor’s guilt was regarded as a diagnosis. However, mental health professionals now regard survivors’ guilt as a form of PTSD that requires treatment.

Serenity Trauma has a number of treatment programs for survivors’ guilt PTSD, and each treatment is customized to accommodate the individual while taking their past, current health, and other factors into consideration. For example, if someone experienced a near drowning as a child, and then survived a shipwreck as an adult, their survivors guilt PTSD treatment plan would be different from someone who survived a grim cancer diagnosis.

Who Suffers from Survivor’s Guilt PTSD?

When it comes to identifying the victims of survivor’s guilt PTSD, there isn’t a single specific type. There are a wide range of traumatic events and experiences that can leave a person suffering from survivor’s guilt PTSD. Some of these include:

  • First responders
  • Cancer survivors
  • Graphic accident survivors
  • Transplant recipients
  • A family member of those with fatal medical conditions
  • Holocaust survivors
  • 9/11 survivors
  • Natural disaster survivors
  • Crash survivors
  • Witness an act of terrorism
  • War veterans
  • Rape victims
  • Parents who outlive their children
  • Victims of physical and emotional abuse
  • A family member of someone who committed suicide

In many cases, people suffering from survivors’ guilt PTSD will experience multiple symptoms, while viewing the world as a place that is both unfair, and unsafe. In past years, survivor’s guilt was regarded as a diagnosis. However, mental health professionals now regard survivor’s guilt as a form of PTSD that requires treatment.

Serenity Trauma has a number of treatment programs for survivors’ guilt PTSD, and each treatment is customized to accommodate the individual while taking their past, current health, and other factors into consideration. For example, if someone experienced a near drowning as a child, and then survived a shipwreck as an adult, their survivors guilt PTSD treatment plan would be different from someone who survived a grim cancer diagnosis.

In many cases, people suffering from survivors’ guilt PTSD will experience multiple symptoms, while viewing the world as a place that is both unfair, and unsafe. In past years, survivor’s guilt was regarded as a diagnosis. However, mental health professionals now regard survivor’s guilt as a form of PTSD that requires treatment.

Serenity Trauma has a number of treatment programs for survivors’ guilt PTSD, and each treatment is customized to accommodate the individual while taking their past, current health, and other factors into consideration. For example, if someone experienced a near drowning as a child, and then survived a shipwreck as an adult, their survivors guilt PTSD treatment plan would be different from someone who survived a grim cancer diagnosis.

Brain spotting for Survivors Guilt PTSD is an Ideal Treatment for Many Types of People

Brains potting is a highly effective focused treatment used to treat survivors of PTSD and other types of trauma that works by pinpointing, processing and releasing vital neurophysiological sources of trauma, emotional pain, bodily pain, and a number of other complex symptoms.

People suffering from survivors’ guilt PTSD have attachment issues, and brain spotting enhances and strengthens one’s internal resources that enables gentle deep processing work in a safe and contained environment led by a trained therapist. By regulating the way the brain controls the body, Serenity Trauma therapists use brain potting to garner mental and physical healing in those who suffer from survivors guilt PTSD

Somatic Experiencing for Survivor’s Guilt PTSD

When individuals survive a traumatic experience, be it a life-threatening surgery, an act of violence, abuse, a graphic accident, or addiction, the body can house pent-up energy causing people massive bodily and emotional stress. Serenity Trauma offers somatic experiencing therapy (SE method) that helps people suffering from survivors’ guilt PTSD rid their mind and body of painful survival energy lodged in the autonomic nervous system. This is a highly innovative treatment that draws people to Serenity Trauma from all over the world, as we are a pioneering trauma center when it comes to the SE method.