Serenity Trauma Healing Center
The creators of the original SERENITY METHOD.
Counseling Testimonials
The professional care and successes of Serenity Trauma Healing Center are no better represented than by our client testimonials. Our staff is dedicated to helping people heal following difficult trauma and events that have changed their lives. These are clients who have benefited from our various types of mental health counseling and who highly recommend the treatments we offer for post-traumatic stress disorder, depression, anxiety, and other forms of mental illness.

A Long List of Satisfied Clients
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, workers in construction and transportation experience the highest rate of injuries. A work-related injury, personal event, or even the effects of serving in combat can warrant a treatment plan by our experienced mental health professionals. Each treatment plan is tailored to the client’s unique situation and needs.
We help people by addressing their issues directly. Behavioral therapy, meditation, group therapy, yoga, and a range of other techniques can be used to help the mind and body heal. Not every approach works for everyone and, often, a combination of treatments is required to get one on the path to healing and improving their mental and physical health and well-being.
Through continuing education, our practitioners are constantly striving to find the best methods to help our clients. Each is trained and possesses state licensing in their field of work while being committed to finding tangible long-term solutions for everyone they treat.
Become One of Our Satisfied Clients
Our primary goal is to get you on the road to recovery. Serenity Trauma Healing Center is a state- and JCAHO-accredited, so it provides the highest quality of care. Contact us today to get started and meet with a licensed mental health counselor who can find the best treatment option for you.
What our clients say
Personal responsibility on your road to recovering from trauma is a gift. This place gives you tools to make yourself whole again. What a wonderful thing. And Joanne Mednick is a compassionate wonderful healer. She’s brilliant.
As an advocate for this type of trauma therapy treatment, I’ve had the opportunity to witness and experience radical transformative healing from those whom I’ve shared with about the 2 week intensive healing work provided at Serenity Trauma Healing Center. The gifted staff authentically care and work towards the deepest healing. The results are remarkable. Because of Serenity Trauma Healing Center I finally have my own life and family back. Thank You for choosing this work that is so desperately needed and for your consistent and continued job in service to humanity. WELL DONE!!!
I was a skeptic at first. But after the first week, I was able to open up and start to reconnect with society as well as myself. I thought it would never be possible to “feel” again.
The loving and compassionate care of the therapist at Serenity changed my life. Thanks to Serenity, I learned to love myself and to take care of the little girl inside of me.
I would suggest Serenity to whoever is willing to improve their quality of life through self-love, self-forgiveness, and self-empowerment.
I have to start by thanking the staff for all the exceptional work they do to help their clients. Serenity Trauma Center is a gem of a program for healing and working through difficult trauma. The staff is some of the most caring and nurturing individuals that I have had the pleasure of working with thus far. From the moment you walk in the door, it is easy to feel the serene and calming nature of the center. I was always greeted with a smile and more often than not, Joey, the therapy dog was there to help me feel welcome.
Dr. Mednick is a truly gifted practitioner as she just seems to know exactly what you are trying to say, even when you are having trouble actually saying it. She creates such a safe environment to be in that it really helped me feel comfortable working through the issues that I had previously struggled with. The transition between sessions felt almost seamless as the other therapists were able to pick up right where I had left off in a previous session or knew what still needed to be worked on.
I’m so grateful to have found Serenity and I highly recommend the program to anyone who has trauma they need to work through. It has changed my life and from what I heard, chatting with other clients in the reception area, has made a huge impact on others as well.
Thank you Serenity Trauma Center!!
I first heard about Serenity Trauma Healing Center from a new friend who was recently discharged from the U.S. Army after serving over 21 years as a Green Beret. He was in combat zones around the world including Afghanistan, Iraq, Bosnia, and Somalia to name a few. He was forced to retire as a result of injuries received in combat. In addition to his wounds and traumatic brain injury he was diagnosed with PTSD. This true American hero went to the Veterans Administration for his PTSD and found the existing treatment programs very inadequate and his ability to get immediate care was non existent. He then was referred to Serenity Trauma Healing Center. What he discovered truly saved his life. He was completely impressed with the treatments and all of the staff. The man is very hesitant to recommend other veterans to treatment facilities but with me he insisted I check it out.
I am a Vietnam veteran having served in the U.S. Army with the 5th Special Forces Group and completed two combat tours in Vietnam and other parts of Southeast Asia. Besides the flesh wounds and malaria I was later diagnosed with PTSD. I managed to live a somewhat functional life but I had three divorces along with way. Most people said I seemed to be angry most of the time. I also sought treatment from the VA but found the turnover in therapists and the fact that my therapists schedule only permitted him to see me every three months. Many of the latest treatments for PTSD were not offered by the VA. So I also visited Serenity.
The entire staff were professional, talented, knowledgeable and caring. They truly made me feel that I was the most important patient under treatment. I am a fairly conservative person and considered some of the protocols “new age.” But once I decided to keep an open mind I found the counseling, treatments and the entire programs to be an amazing blessing! Even though many of the events I experienced occurred over 45 years earlier we worked through these issues one by one. For the first time in decades I was actually able to sleep through the night!
I can go on and on in detail proclaiming the treatment, care and love I was shown. The professionals at Serenity Trauma Healing Center gave me back my life. For this I am eternally grateful. The fact that they will treat every veteran for free is another amazing thing about this wonderful Center. I can only say that I would never hesitate referring anyone to this center. I have spoken with other patients who have been treated for addiction, phobias, relationship issues and each person expressed complete satisfaction with Dr. Mednick and her entire staff. In my opinion Serenity Trauma Healing Center is one of the finest treatment centers of its kind on the West Coast.
Dearest Serenity (Joanne, Kelly, Jade, Yukari, Mike, April, Michele, Jamie, Tiffany & Amanda),
It’s taken me a while to gather my thoughts and truly understand the transformation that has happened in the last four months. I came to Serenity looking for hope and guidance. I was at a really low point and really struggling to see the light that I had always managed to find through whatever darkness I encountered.
I was suffering from severe anxiety and PTSD from an emotionally abusive relationship with a narcissist. I was feeling helpless and was desperate for change. Through my time with each and every one of you, I connected and learned so much. Through digging deep, reflecting, discovering truths, and the hardest work I’ve ever done…I was inspired and found the light again. Through all the tears, I found joy and laughed in every single session. The intense collaboration is something I value and appreciate so much. Reuniting me with my intuition is the greatest gift that came out of my sessions. In returning to myself, I became stronger and now know how to set and hold boundaries. Practice is key.
The best news I have to share is that after 4+ years, I am finally divorced! Totally unexpectedly, our case was settled, no trial. I am free and it feels so good! So many journeys lie ahead and there are still a lot of unknowns, but for the first time in a long time, I know things are only gonna get better for me and my family.
My gratitude to you all is immeasurable. I hope you feel my love. The work you do matters so much and I appreciate each of you and all that you do.
Thank you,